PHOTO ESSAY: ATL Protests and The Day Atlanta Burned
Anger Turned to Destruction as Protesters Ignited a Police Cruiser in Front of the CNN Center
I won’t go too far into my perspectives on the rampant racial brutality that was very top of mind during 2020. Chances are, anyone even reading this probably shares my perspectives and understands that sweeping it under the rug isn’t going to cut it. For anyone that truly knows me knows where I stand on this, so this is an effort to just present what I saw.
What I saw was a marginalized group of people saying “enough is enough.” While I don’t advocate for violence, war and destruction, I don’t think this anger could’ve been avoided. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the people that needed to get the message… well, they probably weren’t listening. Moreover, they probably used these events to further fuel their own disdain for people that are different than them.